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  The fair  /  Why Colombia and Latin America?

Why Colombia and Latin America?

The situation of insecurity poses a great investment in security for cities, citizens, corporations, industry and governments.

“Our industry is part of the solution”

  • National development plan in Colombia 2023 2026 with a chapter dedicated to human security and social justice. Transformation of social policy for adaptation and risk mitigation, which integrates the protection of life with Human Security and Social Justice.
  • Colombia has the third largest population in Latin America with nearly 51 million inhabitants.
  • Our purpose is to reach new markets in the Latin American region with 200 million consumers. Target market Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama. Chile, and Central America and the Caribbean.
  • The private company will invest in security (45%), IT and Cloud management (39%), cloud infrastructure (34%), optimization of existing IT (29%) and automation (26%).
  • Digital transformation underway, about 80% of companies understand that digital transformation processes must be carried out and that 47.6% will have a digital business model in approximately five years.
  • In recent years, significant investments have been made in Colombia in the construction of data centers that favor the strengthening and growth of the technological offer in the country, and in Latin America.
  • Latin America is immersed in a new revolution, the digital era, where security has made great advances.
  • Strong increase in security services and implementation of CTV technologies. Monitoring biometric and home automation systems, in residential centers and cities, expands the user sector market.
  • Improvement and assurance of critical infrastructures in cities and countries. 
  • Airport projects
  • 5G roads.

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