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Contents of interest

Ess+ International Security Fair celebrates 30 years of innovation and business in security at Corferias

The ESS+ International Security Fair is now open. ready to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary from August 21 to 23, 2024 in Corferias, marking three decades as a leading catalyst of business opportunities and opening of new markets for the security industry in Latin America.

During these years, ESS+ has consolidated its position as the epicenter of the industry, offering an incomparable platform to present the most outstanding technological advances and bring together the leaders of the sector in one space. invaluable exchange.

This special 30th anniversary edition will focus on in four large interconnected areas, which represent the cutting edge of technological offering in the field of security for the year 2024:

1. Electronic Security: Technology applied to security continues to evolve and offers a wide range of intelligent, next-generation solutions to protect assets, environments, people and infrastructure.

2. Cybersecurity: In a world immersed in a rapid digital transformation, with a projection of more than 50 billion connected devices by 2025, the importance of cybersecurity becomes vital. Prevention and protection are essential in this new digital scenario, both at a business and personal level.

3. Fire Safety: This segment focuses on the protection of people, assets and facilities, ranging from fire management to prevention, including active and passive equipment and systems to face climate disasters.

4. Work Safety: A crucial aspect to anticipate, evaluate and control risks that may affect safety at work. This area will display products, equipment and systems designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace.

The ESS+ International Security Fair has established itself as a mature event with a superior trajectory and purpose, highlighting its motto: "ESS+: We are part of the solution." This anniversary edition promises to be an essential meeting point for professionals, companies and sector leaders seeking to explore and be at the forefront of innovation and protection in a constantly changing environment.

Join us August 21-23, 2024 to celebrate three decades of excellence at the ESS+ International Security Fair and discover the future of the security industry. safety!

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