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  ESS 360  / Noticias /  Zenitel nombra a C3 como Centro de Excelencia para las Américas


Zenitel nombra a C3 como Centro de Excelencia para las Américas


Zenitel, the leading provider of Intelligent Communications solutions, has named C3 (Critical Communication Caribbean) as its new Center of Excellence (CoE) for safety and security market in the Americas region.

C3, with offices in Bogota, Bonaire, Curaçao, Aruba and St Martin, is a market leader in audio and data communications. The company is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified. For more than 90 years it has provided security and safety solutions to first responders in the public safety, healthcare, retail, hospitality industry, prisons, airports, and more.

Within Zenitel Americas, C3 will be a key part of its Latin America growth strategy for its intelligent communication solutions that consist of intercoms, IP speakers, and more that allow people to hear, be heard and be understood, in virtually any environment.

«We rely on strong partners to communicate the value of always including audio and intercom in security and safety solutions,” says Dan Rothrock, President of Zenitel Americas. “The C3 team’s knowledge and experience with audio solutions is a perfect fit for Zenitel, and we are excited to work with them in the Latin American and Caribbean markets.”

“At C3, we focus on offering critical communication solutions,” says Bert Schreuders, Managing Director of C3. ‘We are inspired by the challenge of developing innovative solutions to our customers. C3 is an ISO certified company with a dedicated team of experts. We make every opportunity a true success story, and therefore, are proud to share with you the honorable recognition that our Zenitel factory has given us as a Center of Excellence in Latin America.”

“We will remain focused on providing solutions that improve communications, even in the most challenging environments,” adds Andrea Velandia, Sales Account Manager of C3. “Latin America is a region that adopts good technological practices and is constantly growing. Each market and each country face very different challenges, and we are prepared to support them in this journey of continuous improvement. This recognition not only marks an important milestone in C3, but also in the entire region.”

With the addition of C3 as its Center of Excellence, Zenitel will move into a much stronger position to cater the critical communication needs of its customers in Latin America.

About the Zenitel Group

Zenitel?is the leading provider of Intelligent critical communication solutions?that allow people to hear, be heard, and be understood, in every situation.?Zenitel solutions are designed to cater safety & security needs of both onshore and offshore markets. Zenitel solutions are also great in integrating with other systems and solutions in a seamless way. To find more about us visit?

C3 Zenitel estarán en la Feria Internacional del Seguridad, ESS+, del 24 al 26 de agosto en Corferias

Regístrese sin costo: y sea parte del mayor encuentro de Seguridad de Colombia, Región Andina y el Caribe.




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