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Professional preregistration

Thank you for filling out the form for professional visitors, we look forward to seeing you at the ESS+ International Security Trade Fair from August 21 to 23, 2024.

At the end of this registration you will receive an email with the QR code that will grant your preferential access to the trade fair FREE OF CHARGE ( Validation of your data is required).

Personal Information

ID Type*
ID Number*No Points
First Name*
Position title*
Confirm E-mail*

Company Information

Company ID Number*
country code
Area code
Visitor Type*
State | Province*

Business Information

Business activity*
How Many Employees Does Your Company Have?*
What is your responsibility for your company's purchasing or procurement decisions? *
Purpose of your visit*
Sector or products of interest*
Would you like to participate as a buyer in the business Matchmaking?*
Choose the Agreement


Dear Visitor

Receive a warm greeting from CORFERIAS, The information that you are providing with the filling of the preregistration form is personal information, which is required to carry out your registration at the trade show or event of your interest, so with the registration of said information you give your free, spontaneous and informed consent, and consequently authorize CORFERIAS to collect your personal data and to keep them for processing and use in accordance with the CORFERIAS Personal Data Policy and this authorization, in order to: i) use them for the promotion, commercialization, publicity and information of CORFERIAS commercial activities, by sending information through email, SMS messages or phone ii) use them for the promotion, commercialization, publicity and information of commercial activities, of services or exhibitors and / or strategic allies, who participate in the trade shows and / or event that take place on any of CORFERIAS digital platforms or at its fairground, by sending information through email, SMS messages or phone.

The authorization that I grant through this document empowers CORFERIAS to assign, transfer and / or transmit my personal data to third parties' receivers of them, in Colombia or abroad. CORFERIAS is not responsible for the improper use of the data by the receiver of these, when this is done outside the framework of the agreement entered with CORFERIAS and of this authorization.

You have the rights as the owner of the personal data provided, and you can exercise them before CORFERIAS in accordance with article 8 of Law 1581 of 2012, which correspond to: i. knows, update and rectify personal data with Corferias; ii. Request proof of the authorization granted; iii. Be informed by Corferias, upon request, the use that has been given to the data; iv. Make complaints with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for infractions against this law; v. revoke the authorization and / or request the data deletion when the constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees have not been respected. For more information or to exercise your rights, you can find the Corferias Data Processing Policy here.Responsible for the Treatment: CORFERIAS - Carrera 37 No. 24 - 67 in the city of Bogotá D.C. - Phone: 3810000 - Responsible Area: General Secretary, Email:, Website: Personal data protection law.

This authorization is made known to you before providing your personal data and the authorization that you give is made freely and spontaneously, in case you do not want or are not satisfied with the purposes and treatment that CORFERIAS will give your personal data refrain from filling out this form.

Suscribe to our


Acepto términos


Con la aceptación del contenido del presente mensaje doy mi consentimiento libre y espontaneo e informado, y en consecuencia autorizo a CORFERIAS para recolectar mis datos personales y a conservarlos para su tratamiento conforme a la Política de Datos de CORFERIAS y a la presente autorización, con la finalidad de utilizarlos para la promoción, comercialización, publicidad e información de las actividades comerciales propias de CORFERIAS, así como de los servicios, productos, alianzas, convenios, ferias, expositores, y aliados estratégicos que participen las ferias y/o eventos que se lleven a cabo en CORFERIAS. La autorización que mediante el presente documento otorgo, faculto a CORFERIAS a ceder, transferir y/o transmitir mis datos personales a terceros receptores de los mismos, en Colombia o en el Exterior. CORFERIAS no se hace responsable por el uso indebido de los datos por parte del receptor de estos, cuando ello se haga por fuera del marco del acuerdo celebrado con CORFERIAS. He leído y conozco que me asisten derechos como titular de los datos personales suministrados, y que los puedo ejercer ante CORFERIAS de acuerdo con el artículo 8 de la Ley 1581 de 2012, los cuales corresponden a: i. Conocer, actualizar y rectificar los datos personales frente a Corferias; ii. Solicitar prueba de la autorización otorgada; iii. Ser informado por Corferias, previa solicitud, el uso que se le ha dado a los datos; iv. Presentar quejas ante la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio por infracciones frente a la presente Ley; v. Revocar la autorización y/o solicitar la supresión del dato cuando no se hayan respetado los principios, derechos y garantías constitucionales y legales. Para mayor información se puede consultar la Política de tratamientos de Datos de Corferias en el link: Responsable del Tratamiento: CORFERIAS – Carrera 37 No. 24 – 67 Bogotá – Teléfono: 3810000


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